Don’t believe the myth that it takes years to fill a practice!
Take This Course If You’re Struggling to Make Enough Doing the Work You Love
If you hate selling your services and marketing your practice, but want to touch the lives of more people in your community and end the struggle to make ends meet, then you need to read this page to discover how you can easily get 60 new clients in 60 days.
If you are doing okay with your practice but want to take it up a level, you might as well read this page too!
I started my journey as a massage therapist over 30 years ago. Becoming a massage therapist was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s brought me more soul-satisfying happiness than anything in my life. I’ve literally touched the lives of thousands of clients, thousands of students, and thousands of massage professionals around the world.
Unfortunately, most massage therapists never experience the joy and success I’ve had the privilege to enjoy. Instead, the majority of therapists struggle to survive in the profession.
A reality check

To understand what life is like for most massage therapists, you just have to look at the numbers:
- In its 2013 annual report, the Federation of State Massage Therapy Board (FSMTB) found that the median income for massage professionals is less than $20,000. 61% of respondents reported that massage does not provide a livable wage.
- The Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) 2016 therapist survey found that therapists have an average income of approximately $23,600, with a median income of around $20,000. Nearly one-third of therapists described their feelings about money as “anxious.”
- According to the AMTA’s 2021 Massage Profession Research Report, the average annual income for therapists in their 2019 survey was $29,439. That’s gross income before any expenses.
- The situation across the border is no different. A study commissioned by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (in Canada) found almost 43 percent of massage therapists polled stated their income did not meet their expectations. On average, they earned $20,000 less than they expected to make as a massage therapist.
- How about internationally? Once again, the latest figures show that Australian massage therapists have a gross annual income below $20,000 with less than 9% of all therapists making $50,000 or more.
Rather than being a source of joy, the average massage therapist’s practice is a source of stress and frustration. They struggle to make ends meet, never being sure how much they’ll make and if it will be enough to pay the bills when the end of the month rolls around. Does this sound at all familiar?
Money is only part of this grim picture, however. There’s something more insidious happening.
The cycle of despair

You’ve invested a great deal of money and time into your education. But, you’ve invested not just in school but in a dream: A vision that was not centered around the idea of being crazy rich, but a dream of a soul-satisfying career where you could happily go to work knowing that you are helping people in your community and making the world a better place.
You want to feel that you are contributing. You want to feel that you are making the world a better place. You want to feel like you are making a difference.
You’ve made a lot of sacrifices to get as far as you have, but that place you’ve arrived at is an empty treatment room devoid of clients. You sit at your desk, waiting for those you know you could help to walk in. But they are nowhere to be found.
All the hard work you did to get your massage license and set up your business seems meaningless and pointless. You’ve wasted your money and your time. As a result, you begin to lose your confidence.
Your lost confidence doesn’t go unnoticed. It comes through in your body language, words, and actions. You may think you’re putting on a brave face, but those feelings of worthlessness, incompetence, and inadequacy read loud and clear to the few clients you have. And that’s just not attractive to clients. As a result, they don’t refer their friends freely, and they eventually stop coming to see you.
And so the cycle begins…
No confidence… no clients… no money… no confidence… no clients… no money… and so on and so on.
You doubt that you’ll ever be able to make a sustainable living. You consider abandoning your dream of making an impact in people’s lives. You start to contemplate leaving the profession that you love.
What a horrible situation to be in!

If you are like most therapists, you love doing massage. You get into your session room with your client, and you get into the zone. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You are connected to that client’s body as your hands explore the tissues. You’re deeply aware of the sensations under your hands, the signals their body is telling you, and the story that their body reveals.
You know how much you are helping them. You can feel it happening. They feel it happening. They feel the tension and tightness leaving their body. They feel their pain dissipating. They feel a lightness in their soul.
While you are doing your massage, you literally feel the difference you are making in that person’s life. The problem is not with the hands-on work itself. That’s all good.
The real problem is getting people under your hands. Doing massage is great, but getting clients to walk in the door is no fun at all.
If only there were an easy, low-stress way for someone like yourself, who would rather not have to worry too much about the business side of things, to get clients under your hands so they could feel the benefits of massage firsthand.
If I were a betting man, I’d bet that as soon as someone had the experience of a massage with you, they’d understand exactly how good you are. They would quickly come to appreciate your skills and be grateful for how great you could make them feel. A large number of those first-timers would likely come back and see you again and again.
A turnaround strategy
You need a simple strategy for getting people on your table and under your hands.

What would the ideal strategy look like?
Let’s look at some criteria:
- The ideal strategy requires very little marketing savvy. You don’t want to take months just learning how to do something. You want to start now, right?
- You can’t come across as being pushy or salesy. It doesn’t feel authentic, and it’s a turn-off for clients.
- It has to get you immediate results. You don’t want to wait a year before you start to see a return on your efforts. That’s disheartening. You want immediate gratification. That’s motivating.
- It has to be something your potential client feels good about, a strategy that engenders trust and reduces their resistance to trying massage with you for the first time.
- You don’t have a lot of money to invest, so it has to be low-cost.
- It can’t devalue your services or undermine your professionalism – so nothing cheesy or sleazy.
- It has to be sustainable. It has to be something that can be done until you reach the number of work hours you can comfortably do or until your sales levels are at a point where you can breathe a sigh of relief and have no worry whatsoever about having enough money to pay rent at the end of the month.
- And ideally, it should be a strategy that offers multiple possibilities for ongoing revenue.
Believe it or not, there’s a marketing strategy that does all this and more. And I’ve been the guinea pig for it.
My personal story
I wasn’t always successful in my practice. Several years out of massage school, I remember the day when I sat in my office and literally cried in frustration.

I had a couple of extremely successful years out of massage school. I felt like a golden boy. I could do no wrong. Then I decided to uproot my business and practice out of my home. I was tired of paying other people huge amounts of rent for a little workspace.
In hindsight, it was a bad decision. Some people followed me, but not enough to sustain myself financially. I could see my clients and my income slowly slip away. It was clear that my practice was on a slippery slope to insignificance.
I fell into the cycle that most of us have found ourselves in at one time or another. Maybe you’re there now and understand.
I had no clients. That meant no money. And that eroded my confidence. Without my confidence, any efforts to get new clients felt like walking through mud. So I just avoided taking any action. That meant even fewer clients, less money, and shrinking self-confidence.
In that moment of utter despair, sitting in my empty office with tears rolling down my face, I decided that something had to shift in a big way.
At that moment, I decided to change. It wasn’t a moment of wishful thinking. It was a moment of transformation. I immediately began learning everything I possibly could about marketing a business. I made a huge leap of faith and rented a large retail space for a multi-therapist clinic. And not long after that, I opened another.
That was over 25 years ago. At the time, there were no models of successful practices and very few resources available, so I became my own learning lab. Not an ideal situation, to say the least, but that’s what I had to do. Like a scientist, I measured everything I could:
- Cost per lead
- Acquisition cost per client per marketing campaign
- Average treatment length
- Lifetime customer value
- Average transaction value
- Frequency of treatments per client per marketing campaign
- …and so on.
This is easy to do now. But back then, there was no practice management software, at least nothing I could afford. In fact, there was no Internet at that point in time. The browser had yet to be invented. So it was a little painstaking doing all of this manually, but it needed to be done.
I’d calculate my baseline numbers as my control. Then I’d try a particular strategy to get new clients and measure the results. If the strategy worked, I’d keep it and begin the process of testing each element of the strategy. If it improved the result, I’d keep it; if it didn’t, I’d try something new.
the experiment that blew my mind!
One day, out of the blue, I got a call from Toronto City Hall. They wanted to buy hundreds of massage gift certificates for all their staff as Christmas presents. Wow! That would have made a big impact on my business. I bid on the proposal, but sadly, I didn’t get it. But it sparked a crazy idea that I thought I’d test. It involved gift certificates. You’ll hear all about the details of this little experiment in the course, but to make a long story short, I gave away gift certificates to a large law firm as part of the test.
- Within a short time, I had 45 new clients.
- 80% paid to upgrade to a longer massage session.
- About a third immediately booked a second appointment
- Over the year, more than 50% booked additional appointments or bought gift certificates.
- About 20% of the initial clients were still coming in for massage a year later.
- I got dozens and dozens of referrals from those initial clients.
- And we continued to see some of those clients and others they referred for years and years after the test had ended!
On the expense side, printing the gift certificates cost me about $6o.
On the income side: We made tens of thousands of dollars as a result of that test!
The return on the investment was a slam dunk home run knockout! Nothing I had ever done previously had even come remotely close to the spectacular results of that crazy little experiment.

But that’s not the entire story…
In reality, this little experiment was just the first step in creating a system that took years to develop and that has been used successfully in well over 1,000 practices. I call it the “give to get” strategy, and in this course, you’ll get step-by-step instructions for implementing it in your practice with the goal of getting 60 new clients in 60 days.
In the 60 Clients in 60 Days course, you’ll learn the specific factors that go into this strategy. You’ll discover the “magic multiplier effect” that makes the sum of this strategy greater than any of its parts. It’s the magic ingredient that makes this seemingly simplistic strategy, if followed exactly as outlined, so effective for building a full, sustainable practice, not in years but just weeks.
Ideas are just ideas unless you can put them into practice. So one of the best features of this course is that there is nothing to figure out. I tell you exactly what to do week by week and assign you small achievable tasks that are easy to act on. The instructions are incredibly specific. I’ll even give you word-by-word scripts of what to say to clients or prospective clients to get them to take action.
Throughout the process, I’ll share stories and comments by massage therapists just like you who at one time were not just discouraged but frustrated and demoralized, and how they came to find a new confidence and dramatically improve their practices and their lives while having a greater impact on the people of their community.
Like this therapist…

The plan I needed to get everyone busy…
“I thought my massage center was doing okay. I could make the bills. However, although I still had money in the checkbook, I wasn’t paying myself yet. Something is wrong with that. I’d like to have some cash too. I also have two independent contractors working in my center, but they’re not busy.
I thought Eric’s 60 Clients In 60 Days course sounded like the plan I needed to get everyone busy. I didn’t even work the program right. Even so, we picked up 111 new clients, and 32% rebooked their next appointment before leaving. My weeks are now filled with 20 to 25 appointments versus the 8 to 12 it used to be. My weekly sales went from $700 to $1,400
My office has been open for 18 months now, and I still hear people saying, “I didn’t know you were here.” So I have a lot more work ahead of me, but I believe that Eric Brown and his courses are the main reason I have the confidence and knowledge to successfully market my own massage business.
They’re starting work on expanding my office space tomorrow. We’re going from two to four therapy rooms. Wow! I may have to get a couple more therapists. I’m no longer scared of being successful.
~ Lynette Stauffer, NCBTMB, ACMT
Or this therapist…

From horror to Joy
“I’ve always been a terrible salesperson. I could always promote products and services that other people benefited monetarily from – you know, ones I believed in and trusted. If I was the one who would benefit, it was a totally different story, regardless of my conviction. That little fearful voice in the back of my head was always telling me, “They probably think I’m just trying to make money off them.”
Of course, marketing and sales go hand-in-hand when developing your own business. Since I took Eric’s 60 Clients in 60 Days course, I no longer feel like I have to be apologetic about the cost of my services when people ask. Instead, I feel confident and sure of the value of the benefits they will receive. That little voice has finally been silenced! As a result, building my business has become more of a joy than a horror! I enjoy talking to prospective clients more and that translates more often into turning them into actual clients. That change in my own perception or attitude has helped me increase the frequency of return clients as well. It’s amazing how much fear can hold us back! We have one of the greatest jobs in the world as massage therapists. Eric has a way of making the hard parts easier with his courses.
~ Diane Mayer, LMT, Cincinnati, Ohio
Your future is in your hands
You don’t have to believe the myth that you have to struggle to have a successful practice. And don’t believe the story that you aren’t capable or don’t have the skills.
And don’t think you need to be a marketing or salesperson to execute this strategy. It’s designed for therapists who hate selling. And if you consider yourself a marketing expert, your background will likely get in the way of you following the steps I outline.
All you need to be successful using this strategy is a love for helping people, a great massage, and the willingness to take some small daily actions, which I’ll guide you through in this course.
Now you have to decide if you’re willing to take action to literally touch the lives of more people in your community and create the soul-satisfying, thriving practice you’ve always dreamed of.
Take the first step now and pick up your copy of this online course! It’s a decision you won’t regret.
There is no course available anywhere that will help you build your practice as fast as the 60 Clients in 60 Days course. Obviously, there is going to be a great deal of skepticism when I make a claim like that, so I want you to hear about the results that past participants have gotten from the course, so you know that I’m not making this stuff up. Here are just a few short excerpts from longer testimonials sent to me by past participants…
“I was sitting around with no money and lots of time and didn’t know how to get clients through my doors. With your course I had 30 clients in 22 days. I’m so excited and looking to expand.”
~ Bonnie, Vancouver, BC
“I agonized over buying this for a couple of days but finally talked myself into it. Now that I’ve gone through the course, my database of clients has increased by 400%. I’m booked a month in advance. It’s such a small price to pay to get the confidence and security that I’ve gotten from this course.”
~ Sarah, Wako, TX
“This course has really turned my practice around. I moved to Dallas and knew no one. I had no clients going into this course. I was lucky to see three clients in a week. I’m now at a point where I have to turn people away and schedule them two weeks out. I hope other therapists take the plunge. It’s well worth it for your practice.”
~ Sheila Brown, Dallas, TX
“I love this course and am just wondering why I didn’t sign up sooner than I did. It’s taught me to realize that there are so many people out there that are dying to try massage and reflexology. It’s given me an organized system to introduce people to what I do in a very easy way.”
~ Sarah, Oreland, Pennsylvania
“I was doing all right, but always wondering whether I was going to get ahead and make some real tangible income. When I started this course, I saw 19 new clients within two weeks. My revenues have gone up 20% to 30%. The rebooking and client retention has been great too.”
~ Geri Wester, Cedar Rapids
“When I started the course in October, I just took off with it. When I started the course, I was seeing 25 clients a month adding 2 to 3 customers per month. By the end of December, I had seen 40 new clients. I have doubled my income.”
~ Barbara, Medway, MA
“My practice changed dramatically – doubled almost. It was incredible. There is opportunity all around and it’s a matter of getting the right information at the right time.”
~ Michael, Vancouver, BC
“Really loved the 60 Clients course. It works! It gives you a reason to approach people without feeling like you are taking or asking something from them.”
~ Kathleen, Cleveland, OH
“Boy did it ever get me moving. It’s been so very useful. It’s opened doors like nothing has ever did before. I have found the courage and self-confidence to really value what I do. It’s increased my business three-fold. I have full weeks.”
~ Michael, Vernon, BC
This is an online course and you'll get immediate access after signing up. The course is designed to take you step-by-step through a proven strategy to grow your business dramatically. It's broken down into eight weeks, with each week focusing on a particular aspect of the strategy. You'll get the greatest results if you follow the program exactly as outlined. However, you're free to adapt it and use it in any way you see fit. You may want to go all out and get lots of clients fast. In that case, expect to spend an hour a day doing daily tasks and allow for the fact that you're going to be doing more massage. Others who just need a few more weekly clients to fill your schedule may implement the strategy to a limited degree and just fit it around their existing operations. As mentioned already, it's a simple strategy that doesn't require any particular expertise and is designed for people who just don't like selling. You don't need to do "sales"; you just need to be your authenic loving self. Expect to spend maybe $100 to $200 over the course of the 60 days for supplies.
There are only three ways to increase your income: 1) Get new clients; 2) Get them to pay you more on each visit; and 3) Get them to come in more often. This strategy focuses on all three areas to produce a "multiplier effect," which increases your results and your income exponentially.
Preparing for Your 60-Day Campaign: You'll need to do some preparation before getting started. You'll take stock of where you are in your practice by looking at your financial situation over the previous three months, and I'll outline all the basics of the strategy for you.
Week 1: Leveraging Your Network: We'll look at how you can leverage your existing relationships to get new clients into your practice quickly. If you are new to your community and don't have a personal or business network, you'll learn how to develop relationships with other local businesses and professionals.
Week 2: Upgrades: Next, we'll look at getting each of those new clients to spend more money with you on their initial visit and subsequent visits.
Week 3: Rebooking: The third way you'll increase your income is by getting clients to come in more often, and we'll do that primarily through a simple rebooking procedure which we'll focus on this week.
Week 4: Referrals: New clients are excited by how great their experience was with you, and you want them to refer others to you immediately after their session when they are feeling fantastic and eager to share their experience. So we'll look at a way to do this that doesn't require you to sell or your clients to feel like they are asking anything of the people they know.
Week 5: Treatment Plans: Going back to getting clients to come in more often, we'll explore the concept of treatment plans as a way to get clients to commit to ongoing care.
Week 6: Follow Up: Follow up is one of the most overlooked opportunities for return visits, and you'll learn some simple techniques for doing this lovingly and authentically.
Week 7: Client Appreciation Week: If you have an existing client base, you are sitting on a mountain of gold. We'll begin preparations for a future client appreciation event to reactivate clients who you haven't seen in ages and stimulate dozens or even hundreds of referrals.
Week 8: Keep Going: My time with you will come to an end, but before I go, I'll set you up for continued success in your practice.
Because I have mentioned the results some practitioners have achieved by using the strategy outlined in this course, I need to give you an official disclaimer. Essentially I can't guarantee that you'll get any results whatsoever. What I can guarantee is that your practice won't change if you keep doing the same things you've always done.
Here's the official disclaimer
Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in this course. The practitioner experiences cited in this course are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. We do not position this product as a "get rich scheme." Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, and techniques. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to implementing the ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, your knowledge, various skills, as well as local market conditions. Since these factors differ widely between individuals and business locations, we cannot guarantee your success or income level.
Category: Business
CE Hours: 5 CE Hours
CE Approvals: NCBTMB approved for 5 CE hours. Accepted in most states, including New York and Florida. Please note this course is NOT approved by Alabama, Arkansas, and Louisiana.
Subscription Period: Ongoing access.
After Purchase: Once you purchase this course, you’ll log into with your email and password. The course will be waiting for you on your dashboard. Click the course access button and follow the directions.
Note that coaching is not currently available.
If you find it difficult to be disciplined enough to get through a course on your own, implement strategies, and stick to it, I do have a supplementary group coaching program to help you out. When you purchase access to group coaching, you'll join me on a weekly Zoom call with the other participants to review your tasks for the week, answer any questions you have, and to give you a gentle push (or maybe a big push) to keep moving forward. It's in your interest to attend the live coaching sessions, but if you can't make one, I'll record them and make them available for you. This exclusive coaching program is available only for those who purchase the 60 Clients in 60 Days course and will only be available for registration for a limited time. You'll get more information on this coaching program after you purchase the course.