MM Chapter 01: Massage from Past to Present

B. The Classical World

In ancient Greece and later in Rome, the practice of medicine moved away from an essentially spiritual practice into the realm of science. After the fall of Rome, the knowledge gathered by the Greeks and Romans would have been lost had it not been for Arab physicians. The Greeks The ancient Greeks relied predominantly on […]

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Lesson 1-2: Overview of Techniques, Systems, and Approaches

Throughout the history of massage, new techniques were developed to cause physiological or psychological changes in the body. Techniques usually were later grouped together within a formalized system (also called a modality, form, or style). Different systems that share similar characteristics are collectively called an “approach” (which might also be referred to as a modality,

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Lesson 1-0: Introduction

Aristotle wrote, “If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.” The history of massage is complex and extensive. It stretches across the globe, weaving through many different cultures and traditions. Scroll through the slides below to find out some of the topics we’ll explore in this lesson.  Lesson 1-1: The History of

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