Dry Skin Brushing and Massage Therapy
A Mini-Guide by Anne Williams
Dry skin brushing is a wellness treatment where a therapist uses natural-fiber brushes applied to the skin to encourage local circulation and lymphatic movement. Dry brushing stimulates the sebaceous glands, desquamates dead skin cells, causes the release of serotonin, and boosts the immune system. It leaves clients feeling refreshed and satisfied. In this guide, we'll learn effective dry skin brushing techniques and integrate them with full-body massages. We'll enhance our sessions with aromatherapy smellscapes and create a menu of dry brush services clients enjoy.
This Dry Skin Brushing guide is no ordinary e-book. You’ll find a beautiful media-rich digital book with lots of engaging images and videos. Included in this guide is a dry brushing PDF self-care handout that you can send to clients. Also, be sure to download the seasonal dry brushing menus, one for spring and summer and one for fall and winter treatments. For a limited time, we are giving this guide away to the profession, so pick up your copy today.
Discover the reasons dry skin brushing feels good and enhances moods.
Identify the physiological effects of dry brushing and the benefits of pairing it with massage therapy.
Discuss dry brushing equipment, supplies, session room organization, and session pricing.
Learn dry brushing techniques for each body region.
Make safe and effective aromatherapy lubricants and mists that maintain seasonal smellscape themes.
Combine dry brushing with massage and aromatherapy smellscapes for unique and satisfying 60-minute or 75-minute sessions.
Send clients home with a downloadable dry-brushing self-care guide.
Use downloadable seasonal menus as provided or as inspiration for your own dry-brushing sessions.
Have fun and offer your clients new options for health and wellness.
Instructional Video: Learn dry brushing by watching an instructional video that demonstrates effective dry-brushing techniques.
Easy to Follow: Step-by-step directions with photographs make it easy to learn how to integrate dry-brushing and massage into 60-90 minute sessions clients enjoy.
Smellscapes: Ready-to-use aromatherapy smellscapes tell you how to combine essential oils in the right concentrations for delightful massage lubricants and aroma mists.
Ready-to-Use Menus: Download two seasonal menus that outline sessions integrating dry-brushing, massage, and aromatherapy smellscapes.
Client Self-Care Guide: Send clients home with a downloadable self-care guide with directions for regular dry-brushing.
Subscription Period: Ongoing access.
After Registration: Once you register for this guide, you’ll log into massagemastery.online with your email and password. The guide will be waiting for you on your dashboard. Click the access button and follow the directions.
Lesson 01: Dry Skin Brushing Overview
Lesson 02: Dry Skin Brushing Techniques
Lesson 03: Integrate Dry Skin Brushing and Massage
Lesson 04: Seasonal Dry Skin Brushing Menus
Lesson 06: Supplies, Courses, and Resources