In a recent survey conducted by the American Podiatric Medical Association, 77 percent of the 1000 adults surveyed reported foot pain. Half of all adults say that foot pain restricts their activities – walking, exercising, working, or playing with children – in some way. In addition, people say they would exercise more (39 percent) and participate in more activities (41 percent) if not for foot pain.
There is no doubt that foot massage matters. Clients often request specific work on their feet or experience their deepest level of relaxation during the foot massage. Furthermore, the depth, pace, and fluidity of your foot massage and the variety of techniques you use to manipulate soft tissue can set you apart from other therapists and leave a vivid impression on a client.
The Reflexology Foot Spa mini-guide is your pathway to mastering spa-quality foot treatments that elevate wellness and relaxation. Designed for massage therapists, this guide integrates exceptional foot massage and reflexology with modern spa techniques to provide an immersive foot care experience. Sample sessions like The Beach Feet Tingle, Take a Hike!, and The Barefoot Rebel, inspire you to craft memorable foot care rituals that uplift the body and mind.