MM Chapter 24: Massage for Special Populations

C. Considerations for Massaging Obese Clients

When working with overweight and obese clients, consider the client’s psychological state and comfort with the level of undress, draping, positioning, table condition, and your body mechanics and attitudes and beliefs about obesity. Client’s psychological state: In American society, an attractive physical appearance is often associated with slimness. Overweight and obese people may feel unattractive. […]

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B. Cautions and Contraindications

Obesity often contributes to many other health conditions that may make specific adaptations to the massage necessary or may completely contraindicate massage. Conduct a thorough health history and intake process to best understand the client’s overall health. Look up any pathology or medication you are unfamiliar with in a massage pathology reference book, and adjust

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D. Techniques and Session Flow

The techniques you choose, the session’s length, and the flow of the session all depend on a number of factors reviewed during the health intake process. As previously noted, healthy older adults who are functioning well, active, and mentally sharp may appreciate a variety of techniques and respond well to firm pressure. However, if you

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B. Massage for Infant

Chapter 7 discussed the fact that in the early years of the 20th century, children in orphanages died in alarming numbers from touch deprivation. Those who did survive were permanently damaged. They experienced retarded bone growth, low weight, suppressed immunity, poor coordination, general apathy, and decreased mental function. Touch is essential for life, proper development,

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A. Massage for Mother

A woman’s body undergoes many changes during pregnancy (Table 24-1). These changes can lead to increased emotional, mental, and physical stress and physical discomfort (Box 24-2). Massage effectively decreases many of the discomforts of pregnancy, reduces stress, and provides nurturing and social contact to pregnant women (Fig. 24-2). Table 24-1: Select Changes in a Pregnant

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C. Treatment Massage

Treatment massage refers to the massage given to an athlete when they sustain an injury, and massage is part of the rehabilitation process. You learned about the forces that create tissue loads and the response of soft tissue to loads in Chapter 22. Athletes often maintain rigorous training schedules that expose their soft tissue to

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