MM Chapter 23: Massage for Chronic Pain

B. Massage for HIV/AIDS

Research on the benefits of massage for clients living with HIV has shown that massage improves immune function in children and adults infected with HIV by increasing natural killer cell numbers, CD4 cells, and the ratio of CD4/CD8 cells. It also decreases anxiety and stress and improves coping skills for people living with HIV.14,15 For […]

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B. Massage for Cancer

Massage provides a meaningful way to decrease stress, pain, muscle tension, and improve sleep patterns, appetite, and quality of life for people with cancer.13 Each person’s cancer is unique, and each person’s overall condition is different. In some cases, while a person is undergoing medical treatment, only gentle stroking, energetic techniques, or massage of the

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E. Chemical Headaches

Chemical headaches are triggered by chemical imbalances in the body. Symptoms vary and may resemble tension headaches or might lead to a migraine. Causes and Contributing Factors Chemical headaches occur with some type of chemical imbalance in the body, such as low blood sugar suggesting that a person needs to eat, dehydration from physical exertion

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D. Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches are caused by sinus pressure that leads to pain and pressure around the eyes, cheeks, and forehead. The pain increases when the person bends forward or lies down. It is usually accompanied by the symptoms of sinusitis (described in the next section), which include yellow, greenish, or blood-tinged nasal discharge, sore throat, fever,

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A. Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common type of headache, causing mild-to-moderate pain that is often described as a diffuse tight band around the head. The scalp, neck, and shoulders often feel tender. Some people experience tension headaches occasionally (episodic pattern), while others experience tension headaches regularly (chronic pattern). Causes and Contributing Factors The exact causes

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